What is the value of the gift of a quilt? When does a gift do more for the giver than the recipient? I've always felt that giving a quilt can do more for the quiltmaker than it does for the recipient. The quiltmaker knows what goes into the quiltmaking; hope, well-wishes, peace, thoughtfulness, warmth, love, time, energy, planning, satisfaction. Sometimes more of those things than others, but always a piece of ourselves.
I've made quilts for new babies and those quilts are filled with hope and love. They are usually light and whimsical, small and sweet.
Quilts for someone who is sick are made with the intention of comfort; warmth, peace, cuddly, safe and inviting.
Quilts for those who have experienced loss are the quietest somehow. We want to say it's ok to give in and grieve. And that it will get better.
Quilts for college students say, remember home and remember you are loved. T-shirt quilts are a tangible reminder of where you've been, what you've done, and who you are. They are pieces of childhood that are perfectly acceptable to accompany you into adulthood.
a beautiful little girl with her quilt |
To quiltmakers who have given away a quilt - what have you received in the giving of it?
And if you make quilts and have never given one away, I encourage you to do it. It's good for the soul.